Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Just back from good ol' Bali....It's still as lovely as when I first set foot on her back in '93....The familiar "charcoal" scented air and, especially, the beautiful sight of her sunset view will always remain etched in my mind. What's most memorable, as I watched from some distance away, was the sight of regular beachbums and visitors playing, alongside eachother, soccer, on the receding tide's wet sand, with the sun slowing sinking into the horizon, whilst the wet beach reflect it's orange rays....Nevertheless, '93 or '08, the same sight, the same scent, the same scene, makes me wonder if time stands still only for her, majestic Bali.

Speechless I was, all I could wish for at that point in time, was for someone to share the warmth of the sunset and understand that same awe I felt within. No need for talk, you already know how I feel inside, just by listening to the pace of my breath. Nothing could interrupt my moment of "One-ness".....With you.

Let's hope time forgets to catch up with her and leave her be, to be young forever...As you will always be, in me, when we catch up again in good ol' Bali.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


"If I could remember it correctly, it all started about 2 weeks after we met May, there was a gradual increase in the number of incoming SMS' in his mobile during nightime and over the weekends, it went on further with him staying up late nightly on his computer, probably chatting on the internet ...I ignored it at first, but his overly protective attachment to his mobile made me feel that something is just not quite right....Tired of just being upset, I finally mustered my courage to ask him who's been texting him......Predictably, his answer was "Office related issues"....."

After taking a sip's worth of coffee, she shifted her position a little and continued with the story.

"Sensing the need to know what's going on, I finally seized the opportunity, one day whilst he was having a shower, to have a quick peek into his mobile....It was somewhat not a surprise, but my heart still sank as I scrolled through the messages; there were flirtatious "lovey dovey" messages, and if that wasn't bad enough, there were also messages detailing explicit scenes of what they used to do in the bedroom".....

I could hear her voice quiver a little, she lowered her head, cleared her throat, and continued.

"Damn, somehow I knew this would happen....So I confronted him, whilst he was dressing up after the shower, and asked him what's going on between him and that wretched bitch.....Of course, the normal reaction when being put in a bad situation will be, first, denial, then come submissive(to gain sympathy), and if that doesn't work, then the final "weapon of choice", would be, to go on an anger trip......Again, predictably, he did all that......Taking the opportunity to get the load off my chest, I went, all the way, on the offensive, until he's been cornered with nothing more to say, but only to confess to his wrong-doings".

"Silence filled the room for a long while, then finally, he walked towards me from the other end of the room, forced a hug on me, at the same time consoling me, as well as assuring me that he will do the right thing, by cutting off ties with his ex......"

With a sigh, she turned to my direction and said.

"The mobile messages did stop coming in a day after the fight, and so did the late night online chats.......Well, that's my life story my friend...." she paused for a few seconds and continued "To be honest, I really don't know if he's still seeing her behind my back, and if he is, he's gotten smarter by using other means of communication with her....Anyway, I have lost all trust in him, and although I think I have "Forgiven" him, I know I will not forget about what had happened....."

With that last note, she took a quick glance at her watch and said she had to go.......Well, I had to rush off to work as well........We downed whatever that's left in the cup, stood up, gave eachother a tight hug, said our goodbyes and parted ways...

After walking a short distance, I suddenly remembered, we forgot to exchange numbers........

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


"We were invited to a sale preview that day" she said, eyes gazing downwards, "I was busy shifting through racks of designers' stuff, picking them off like it was free", she continued with a trying smile, "and he was obviously dead bored and showed no interest in whatever that was going on in the boutique or with whatever I showed him, giving only occasional monotone "OK lah"s to hasten my decision making"......"As I carried on with my indulgence, I noticed he wasn't anywhere close by, "well maybe he went to the toilet", I thought to myself"......

"An hour, with an armful of dangling goodies later, there was still no trace of him"..."That was when, whilst walking over to the counter to pay up, I spotted them standing by the door having what looked like a very happy hearty conversion"......"At that moment, I actually did feel a sense of relief to see him preoccupied with some other distractions, otherwise, I would probably get the "cold treatment" on our ride back home for "wasting" his time with my shopping spree"....

"After paying up for my goodies, I walked up to them, took my position beside him, popped my right hand towards her direction and had myself introduced to her"......." Hi, I'm T", I said, my hubby realizing how rude it was for him to not have the initiative to introduce us quickly enough, tried to salvage the situation by re-introducing us...."Darling, this is May" "May, my wife", he said with a trailing smile...."We had the usual casual short chit-chat, and was about to part ways, when my hubby suggested they exchanged numbers"...

"There was a sense of "happy-vibe" on our way back, me, obviously with my new stuff, and him...errr...not sure." "So,out of curiosity, I asked him why was he in such a good mood"....

"Aiyah, nothing lah, good mood good mood lor, why must ask why", he exclaimed....

Not fully satisfied with his reply, I asked him another question..

"Who's that May, you were talking to just now?"....

He hesitated for a few seconds and finally replied;

"Ohhhh, she's an old friend of mine, very old friend..."

"From the Uni?" I asked.....

"No lah, from my previous previous previous workplace, before I met you lah, why you so kaypoh(busybody)?" He said, now sounding quite irritated....After a while, he decided to break the uncomfortable silence, and muttered what sounded like "Aiyah, you want to know right? She was one of my Ex lahhh"....

"Sensing a breath of hostility in the atmosphere, I kept quiet and left it as it was".....She said softly, eyes now staring blankly at the coffee cup, on our table.

Monday, May 12, 2008


This incident happened sometime last week when I was in town to pick something up....I was just hanging around the outside area of Lucky Plaza having a smoke, when I felt a light tap on my shoulder, turned around and to my surprise, a special friend I've not met for a very long time.

We did the usual "catching up" chat, had a couple of ciggies, whilst standing partly sheltered by the shopping center's weathered out canopy....Few minutes after, sensing some "persuasion" from the street heat, we mutually agreed on adjourning somewhere else more comfortable for coffee........

Our conversation initially revolved around the going-ons of our mutual friends, we had quite a few good laughs about the good old days(mostly about how we used to dress up in the 80s)...Then the conversation got diverted, and somehow lead itself to me asking her about her family(Dead giveaway - the Ring).....That was when "IT" happened.....I remembered, like a freakish turn of the weather, my casual "How's your Hubby?" question, somehow totally changed the "second-ago-sunny" into a "going-to-be-stormy(very stormy)" atmosphere.

At that moment, I could see, somewhat in slow motion, the change of her facial complexion, from a nice blush (I guess it was from containing herself from laughing too loudly) into a, sort of, pinkish pale.......Her hands now in a position, partially covering her face...."Oh Oh", I whispered to myself, "Looks like I've stepped on a(nother) landmine"........Like some strange morbid image from MTV, John Mayer suddenly appeared in front of me, strumming his acoustic guitar, singing to the tune of "My stupid mouth's got me in trouble......"...That went on for quite awhile(felt like ages, actually), and somehow the song seemed to "travel" away from me, echoed around the corner, finally fading into the distance.

"What am I to do to salvage the situation?" The same question constantly rang through my now "derailed" train of thoughts, with no sensible solution at hand.......Finally, I thought to myself , "Hmmmmm.......Well, looks like it's time to play Hero" .....

Like a documentary cameraman positioning himself for his best close range Lion's den shot, I approached her cautiously, gently tapped her left shoulder, took a deep breath, finally gathered some courage to asked her if she's alright.....(Gosh, of course, she'll say "Yes", what else could she say?).....As she uncovered her face, in between soft sobs, she reached out for her handbag, did what looked like a "lucky dip", pulled out a half-opened pack of tissue paper to tidy herself up.

"Ummm...Are you ok?" I repeated my not-so-intelligent question...By this time, her soft sobs(plus her smudged makeup) have attracted quite a few nearby onlookers. It felt super uncomfortable, having to deal with the stares...I could tell from the looks of these "CSIs", I have been wrongfully condemned to be the "Bad Guy", you know...the "bad-boyfriend-giving-some- stupid-excuses-to-break-up-with-girlfriend" look....

Anyway, after gaining her composure, she then began to relate her story....